Depression & Mood Disorders

Therapy to Treat Childhood Depression in Chicago

Depression is a commonly misunderstood disorder that many people struggle with. While many people assume depression and other mood disorders are exclusive to adults, research has shown that childhood depression is a very real and specific experience for the young. Untreated depression in children and adolescents poses just as serious a threat as it does when adults are experiencing the disorder. While there are many treatment options available, from medication to psychotherapy, finding the right combination is essential to managing symptoms and reducing its recurrence in your child, or later in adult development.

Let’s discuss the unique approach Wellington Counseling Group takes to treating childhood depression in Chicago.

Understanding the Symptoms of Childhood Depression

Childhood depression can affect any youngster, but it’s most common in children and adolescents that have immediate family members who suffer from depression or other mood disorders. The symptoms, however, can look entirely different from those seen in their closely related adult family members with mood disorders.

Children who struggle with depression often experience more physical symptoms than an adult would. These include frequent complaints of aches and pains, as well as more extreme restlessness. Additionally, children with depression also commonly present with:

  • Extreme distress when separated from parents
  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Loss of interest in usual activities
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Talk of or actually running away from home
  • Giving away prized belongings or writing goodbye letters
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Increased appetite and weight gain
  • Agitation and aggression
  • Low self-worth
  • Persistent sadness

In the more severe cases, these symptoms can lead to suicidal thoughts or attempts. If you or a loved one is having suicidal thoughts, seek help as soon as possible. Wellington Counseling Group is available to support you and your family. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline also provides confidential and 100% free support 24/7. Call 1-800-273-8355 or visit the NSPL website here.

While not all of these symptoms are present all the time, children experiencing depression will usually display these symptoms on most days over a prolonged period of time. If you’re noticing this in your child, consulting a therapist trained in childhood depression could be a beneficial next step.

Find Relief From Childhood Depression With Therapy in Chicago

The first thing a trained professional will do when a child or family comes to us expressing concerns about childhood depression is to initiate an intake evaluation that will guide us toward a diagnosis. The symptoms we’ve discussed above are not exclusive to depression, so it’s important to get a comprehensive look at what a patient is experiencing.

More often than not, a clinical diagnosis of depression is one of exclusion. Our diagnostic testing capabilities help us reach the point where we can develop a targeted protocol to treat childhood depression if that is the appropriate course of action.

How We Treat Childhood Depression at WCG

At Wellington Counseling Group, we leverage a whole-body approach to treating childhood depression. We look at the historical and developmental aspects of the patient’s life, the brain and body chemistry, as well as external factors that could all be playing a role in the symptoms the patient is experiencing. All of this guides the treatment options for a child experiencing symptoms of depression.

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