Life Transitions

Top-Tier Therapy For Major Life Transition Support in Chicago

The number of times we experience a major transition in our lives is seemingly endless. From leaving for our first full day of grammar school away from home, to graduating high school and looking for that dream job to deciding where to live, and even changing careers. Some will choose to transition from single life to a married one and maybe decide to have children as well. Most of us will experience the loss of our parents and so much more. It is a fact that we’re almost always in some state of transition throughout life. Depending on the specific life change you’re experiencing and the number of people involved, you may find that coping with the life transition is especially challenging for you and/or your family. Therapy can be a highly beneficial resource for individuals in any stage of flux. Let’s discuss how our therapists can support adults and their loved ones through major life transition support in Chicago.

Understanding The Psychology Of A Life Transition

It’s a normal human trait to resist change. In fact, this resistance may be one of the most fundamental markers of our species. This is ironic considering that so much of our life experiences are outside the realm of our control and that means change is always inevitable, so much so that you’d think each of us would eventually get used to it. Even changes that are expected and desired, like starting a new job or having children, will come with some psychological wear and tear, if not a good deal of back-bends and stretches.

In much of the literature regarding stress and coping, the theory that “there’s no such thing as an inherently difficult life transition” is at the forefront. As human beings, though, we know that any life transition can actually create additional stress and anxiety. While the transition itself may not be difficult on the surface, the way we feel about it can drastically affect the way we handle these changes in our lives.

Therapy can help people navigate the changing landscape of their life during positive and not-so-positive transitions, or at least the ones we didn’t ask for.

Successfully Navigate Life Transitions with Support in Chicago

As mentioned above, there are countless life transitions that one may experience at any given time. The ways we are able to cope with those changes will greatly affect how well we process through the transition. At Wellington Counseling Group, we strive to help individuals blend the experiences from the past, present, and future to understand how they handle changes in routine and why they might react certain ways. This knowledge helps us provide the right kind of life transition support in Chicago for our patients, as they undergo various transitions and life changes.

How We Handle Life Transitions At WCG

The way a therapist might approach counseling for life transitions depends heavily on the particular stage of life that the patient is in. For example, the time following your graduation from college may be the first time that your life is not dictated by the structure of an educational institution. You’re often searching for the perfect first job in just the right area, which is a high-pressure experience that can lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression while bringing back old feelings of rejection still lingering in your self concept. All of this is associated with the particular life stage that the individual is presently working to master.

An adult with grown children whose ailing parents are being moved into a nursing home or have passed on is experiencing an entirely different life transition than the college graduate, albeit not one that’s necessarily less stressful or traumatic.

We know that most of these life transitions will happen eventually, but that doesn’t make it any easier to cope with the emotional and psychological changes we experience when these inevitable transitions do occur.

At Wellington Counseling Group, we’re going to first work through what exactly is going on in your life. We’re also going to help you understand which past experiences may have led to the emotional and psychological symptoms you may be feeling while you navigate the current state of your life. We’ll map out the life stage change to help normalize the experience and then move into a problem solving phase with you in order to help develop different strategies that address the specific problem.

It sounds simple, doesn’t it? In some transitions, it is. In others, though, there’s no specific strategy that can help you manage the existential experiences you’re moving through. That’s not to say therapy can’t be helpful, though. An unbiased third party can help make the experience more discernible so that you can process and cope effectively, no matter what kind of transition you may be experiencing.

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